Reverse Engineering
iCDump: A Modern Objective-C Class Dump
This blog post introduces iCDump, an new Objective-C class dump based on LLVM
Romain Thomas
Romain Thomas
This blog post introduces open-obfuscator, a new open-source project to obfuscate mobile applications.
Romain Thomas
This second blog post deals with native code obfuscation and RASP syscall interception
Romain Thomas
This first blog post introduces the RASP checks used in SingPass
Romain Thomas
This series of blog posts details how obfuscators can protect iOS applications from reverse engineering
Romain Thomas
This blog post is about the internal mechanisms of PGSharp, a cheat engine for PokemonGO.
Romain Thomas
This blog post analyzes the Frida and Jailbreak detection in PokemonGO for iOS.
Romain Thomas
This second blog post explains how to recover the whitebox’s key from the obfuscated library
Romain Thomas
This first blog post describes the protections in the challenge r2-pay.
Romain Thomas
Analysis of Tencent Legu: a packer for Android applications.
Romain Thomas
This blog post deals with QBDI and how it can be used to reverse an Android JNI library