iCDump is a tool to access and process Objective-C metadata located in 64-bits Mach-O binaries. It uses LIEF to load the raw Objective-C data and LLVM to output the reconstructed Objective-C structures. The LLVM output was inspired by rellic developed by Trail of Bits.
The project is available on GitHub: romainthomas/iCDump.
Quick Start
Python wheels for Linux and OSX are available on PyPI such as one can install iCDump through:
$ pip install [--user] icdump
Once installed, you can run to quickly extract Objective-C structures from a Mach-O binary:
$ ./RNCryptor.bin
@protocol __ARCLiteKeyedSubscripting__
- (NSObject *)objectForKeyedSubscript:(NSObject *)self :(SEL)id :(NSObject *)arg2;
- (void)setObject:(NSObject *)self forKeyedSubscript:(SEL)id :(NSObject *)arg2 :(NSObject *)arg3;
@interface PodsDummy_RNCryptor_iOS
@interface RNCryptor.RNCryptor.Encryptor{
NSObject * encryptor;
@interface RNCryptor.RNCryptor.Decryptor{
NSObject * decryptors;
NSObject * buffer;
NSObject * decryptor;
NSObject * password;
Using the Python API, we can output these header-like structures as follows:
import icdump
metadata = icdump.objc.parse("./RNCryptor.bin")
In its current form, iCDump can only process Objective-C metadata but the Swift structures also aim at being supported by iCDump. I started a PoC for this part but it’s far from being ready to be merged.
The second limitation is Windows. Theoretically, iCDump and its Python bindings, could be compiled for Windows but to be honest, for this release I was lazy to setup the CI pipeline with LLVM for Windows. Nevertheless, Windows users should be able to play with iCDump thanks to WSL.
The API documentation needs to be written and generated with Sphinx but in the meanwhile, you can directly have a look at the Python binding which synthesis the important functions.